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您當(dāng)前所在的位置: 一覽·電力> 通用電氣(上海..> Project Direc..
Project Director 項(xiàng)目總監(jiān)
  • 學(xué)歷要求: 不限
  • 工作經(jīng)驗(yàn): 不限
  • 更新時(shí)間: 2021-11-25
  • 招聘人數(shù): 若干
  • 招聘對(duì)象: 社會(huì)人才
  • 工作地區(qū): 北京-朝陽(yáng)區(qū)
  • 專業(yè)要求: 電力工程管理;
高小姐 HR 三個(gè)月前活躍

Responsible for project execution, contract acceptance, customer satisfaction and financial return for one or more highly complex projects and/or large-scale projects.
Organize, structure and manage a project team to meet the needs of the project and control project costs.
Supervise project manager(s) assigned to projects(s) for which he is responsible.
Ensure on-time delivery of quality information, material, workmanship, field service and product performance.
Review and manage the project schedule and approve changes, ensuring all contract parameters are being met.
Review all purchase orders for contract materials, services and Quality Assurance and Control requirements, approve purchase orders as defined in DOA.
Issue various periodic reports detailing financial and schedule status of project (s).
Serve as prime interface with customer and consortiums to resolve issues of mutual concern with guidance of other project managers.
Enhance financial return to ALSTOM through sound management.
Effect a timely contract completion with customer satisfaction.
Manage project risks to avoid paying large warranty repairs, significant back charges, or L/Ds for performance or delay.
Execute PEQ Gate Reviews, close any action items if applicable.
Own the project process through Handover from Sales until all obligations are complete at FAC.
Take an active role with Sales to promote future business with Customer/Consortiums.

University Degree in Engineering, Economics or Business Administration
>10 years experiences in the Power/Process/Oil&Gas industry with at least 7 years experiences in engineering, procurement, construction and project management of large projects.
Certification by Project Management Institute (PMI) or equivalent.
Insightful, able to collaborate with other Thermal Systems management team members in developing strategy and implementing business plans.
Strong planning, organizing, and priority setting skills.
Strong in building relationships with clients, suppliers and contractors.
Broad technical and commercial knowledge covering multiple disciplines.
Ability to relate to client's management, senior & top management and staff.
Fluent in written and spoken English.

職位類別: 項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理/主管/專員

  • 相似職位
  • 公司規(guī)模:1000人以上
  • 公司性質(zhì):外商獨(dú)資
  • 所屬行業(yè):電力環(huán)保類
  • 所在地區(qū):北京-朝陽(yáng)區(qū)
  • 聯(lián)系人:高小姐
  • 手機(jī):
  • 郵箱:會(huì)員登錄后才可查看
  • 郵政編碼:100027
  • 地址:三里屯西六街6號(hào)乾坤大廈
loading 上傳中

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